Memory Script 071
Fresh bread, still warm enough to burn fingers, wrapped in tissue paper, being carried home from the corner shop to make beans on toast or home made strawberry jam sandwiches.
Fresh bread, still warm enough to burn fingers, wrapped in tissue paper, being carried home from the corner shop to make beans on toast or home made strawberry jam sandwiches.
My earliest is being sick on the pond in Aberdare park I don’t know it is a dream maybe this water remind of that I think it was autumn I think I have the winter coat on so it might be autumn or winter. Red wall coat . about four years old
I think I am about 2 years old definitely at that time I was living in an apartment on Nice and we have this wooden table quiet nice one made by Danish carpenter, actually it is my second birthday, so my earliest visual memory it is two toys I have got on my second birthday that they were opened on these Danish wooden table long coffee table and one was in a cardboard box, box full of blocks with letters and numbers so cube made out of smaller cubes with letters and numbers on them and the other one was quite large from that age plastic plane not sure the colours , it was white there was yellow prep blue wings probably red tail what I remember it had two wheels on it and when you pushed the plane across the wooden table the yellow propellers pad and that it is my earliest memory.
My first visual memory definitely would be a memory that involves my dad’s mum my grand mother We spent a lot of time with her when we were young children she babysat us she lived in a small village where my dad grow up and the thing I remember the times we were there it was a big private house where had a village functions or where they have annual village fair the first visual memories would be around that house because it had this amazing gardens and I just remember this huge big busses with massive flowers on them and it was always on the summer the skies were blue really blue but I remember this big flowers with glossy leaves not kind of leaves you see on your garden they were massive they were bigger that all my family put together so I really remember these huge bushes these massive flowers but also visually I remember a lot of homemade things so you have homemade cakes, knitted things with people were selling on the fair and that it is one of my first visual memories because I have a lot of memories related to sounds or smells and they are probably earlier than my visual memories I don’t know what it is maybe because they stimulate more the emotions perhaps that the visuals memories from my experience I remember dressed tables and that it is my first visual memories
We were sitting by the river and someone has some food it was a sunny day someone has a paper and they manage to fold it in to a boat and then everybody learnt how to fold the paper so they can make their own boat and then we all took our boats carry down a bit further down the river and we coast them off into the water and we watched them go down on to the stream.
I walked down the path pass the holy bush into the porch, a big porch very protective red brick all around it I came through the front door colour tiles on the floor my uncle bun is on the perimeter we going into the front blue my grandfather is waiting for us he is sitting in a leather arm chair he asked me to sitting on his lap he brings up a big book and ask me to read it to him it is quiet dark in the room really comfortable, it is the smell of leather, big dark brown heavy velvet curtains it is like being in another world.
The memory that it is coming to me now is one when stayed on my parents house they lived in Cambridge, we were quiet big family a lot of cousins we go punting we were punt along the river and my father was pushing the punt, I don’t know if how it is call and we stop on the field and have a picnic and I remember being really happy. A lot of sandwiches coffee cake and bacon tart.
Being at a day care sitting on the hallway with my winter coat overheating sitting on the bench and a woman sitting next to me breastfeeding a baby and that I think it was my first memory. Hallway was large room day care occurs, kids running around and the hall way was a long room full of benches, I was dressing with this heavy winter coat but I don’t know the colour as I am colour blind so I don’t have a good sense of colour memory, it was in Chicago.
My earliest memory was when I was in Jamaica we had sort of an apartment and remember to see the staircase I remember the staircase had like green carpet on it I remember the staircase quiet vividly I have not photos of that but I remember being on the staircase and my mother saying not to run on the staircase I remember stomping on the stairs when I was angry just kind of stomping and that it is my earliest memory I left Jamaica when I was 5 so it must have been when I was 3 or 4. I remember being in front of the apartment and there was swimming pool and we never went into it , it was there quiet strange and that what I see I see the blue pool and the green staircase
So it is probably me and my sister being put in the same pink tartan dresses and just wearing and walking down the road. There was a bridge we were use to go over to the village.