Memory Script 040
I think is quiet difficult to think in early memories because most of them are snapshots or photographs and you can’t really remember any kind of words or voices but probably the first I remember is my grandfather he use to be a little bit of inventor and he had this shed at the top of the garden where he had all this amazing things in kind of like he built all this houses they had all this kind of moving bits and very mechanical some them kind musical some them just moved or others kind both and I remember being sitting on the shelter of my grandfather with my brother. I must to be about three or four looking at this kind of amazing toys I guess So he was always creating things and always encouraged us to create things. And he always use to say us we could be able to create we wanted whenever we wanted to and I always remember he had this massive head of hairs this massive wiry hair my brother and dad have heritage but luckily I haven’t which is great. We made dents on the house from like blankets cousins and just kind of bits and we create this different world that was completely secret just to me my brother and my Grandfather and we sit down there for hours. I don’t really sure what we actually did but I can remember sitting there kind of hidden from the world. And that’s probably the earliest thing I can remember Always in the lunch never anywhere else on the house probably because my gran was always cleaning and use to get bigger an more elaborate so we can move the furniture to make kind of corridors or secret places we could go.